Thursday 27 February 2014

Rivalry in the Afternoon


AFTERNOONS have taken on a different tone around here lately.

There is intense rivalry from the animals for our more limited attentions.

Our year to date has been action packed.

I am in the final year of a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Culture and the Amazing Husband has been busy off farm, so time on-farm has been a bit more restricted.

Our companion creatures are not settling for this unsatisfactory scenario.

Quiet afternoons in the veranda or in the adirondacks in the shade of the back yard fig are a sight to behold.

Amazing Husband is bombarded with cries from the sheep, cats, horse, cows and chooks the moment he gets home.

Nothing like the peace and quiet of a country home now is there?

No quiet drop of wine in this scenario either - everything likes a sniff of it and there are not enough hands to referee ... ahem ... pat everything and juggle a glass of wine.

Still it does make for some pretty relaxing and entertaining afternoons and some fun pictures of our companion creatures.

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