Saturday 27 July 2013

New Gardening Companion

By Ayesha Joy Clifford ©

THIS little fellow is adorable.

Bartholomew the orphan lamb has taken to life on our farm and has become my little "shadow". I rather fancy I've found my new painting and gardening companion.

Being from cattle country in Rockhampton, I have been researching sheep and discovered they make excellent companion creatures and can live up to 16 years.

My little companion has been out and about exploring the paddock and herb garden that will be his new home.

So far he's trotted happily up and down the garden path, 

helped trim the magnificent cream winter nasturtiums,

met his fellow gardening companions Tom Tom and Harley Barley, from a distance

then at a close quarters, and nibbled his seal of approval to the backyard landscaping.

He's already receiving visitors and photo requests but seems to be taking it all in his little stride.

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