Wednesday 17 July 2013

Thanks Rural Miss

* OFF those geraniums now!

Wow isn't the web wonderful!

Here I am on my farm needing help with keeping
my new little lamb alive and yesterday's plea to the
amazing Rural Miss drew a quick response from
her readers.

I know how busy we all are in life and agriculture.

Time is the most precious resource we all have.

How we choose to use the time we have says
much about who we are.

So I was deeply touched so many Rural Miss
readers took time to share great tips and be
generous with their animal husbandry advice.

It's only one little animal but to me and obviously to
others, it's important to do the best we can for the
animals in our care.

He has a much better chance of making it now and
I don't feel so isolated here on the farm.

And one more thing - you're cute little Bartholomew
but I'm taking some good advice here - you're
getting off those geraniums now!

Here's the link if you want to visitRural Miss and see the advice, tips and comments.

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