Thursday 25 July 2013

The Lamb and The Lens

BY Ayesha Joy Clifford  ©

OVER the years I've had the good fortune to work with some amazing talent in front of and behind the camera.

So when I had a request for photos with Bartholomew the orphan lamb, I recalled that steadfast media mantra about never working with animals or children.

Working with animals and nature, every day is full of opportunities on-farm to capture and share a window into this life. It's a privilege to be able to live this lifestyle and I pinch myself some days at my good fortune. That doesn't make the photography any easier.

I could have used a couple of those great snappers or at least advice on selfies with a lamb. No time today for elaborate set ups, different lenses, light meters and location scouts. Cows to move, animals to feed, fences to fix. The shameless selfie will have to do.

Bartholomew being the energetic little fellow was quite shy and aloof to begin

a bit reluctant then,

warming up to the idea,

seasoned performer,

talent taking over show

talent tantrum as I'm photobombed out by the  lamb.

Finally a snuggle

and a smooch

and couple of nice quiet shots,

and that will do for now.


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